Sunday, May 16, 2010

Military Life

Last night, my friends and I were talking about what it's like to be a military wife. It certainly isn't for everyone. I never thought it would be for me.

If five years ago, someone came up to me and told me I'd be marrying a soldier at twenty five years old I would have laughed in his face. I would have told him that he must be mistaken because my husband was going to be a business man. He was going to wear a suit and tie every day and come home every night. We were going to live in the town I grew up in, next to my sister and mom.

That was my plan and I was sticking to it. But everything changed when I met Patrick. We've been married for almost two years now and this is the first time we have actually been able to live together for an extended amount of time. He's had two deployments in three years.

People ask me - How do you do it? How do you stand it? My only answer for them is -You just do. You do what you have to and you keep going. Ask any military wife and she'll tell you the same thing.

We don't get to choose where we live, when we move, or when my husband has to leave. We don't have much control over what happens to us.

Why? You might ask. Why would anyone want to live that kind of life? It's rewarding, frustrating, and at times, terrifying. But it's also an adventure, full of stories, interesting people, and unique experiences.

I don't regret my choice even when it's hard. Even when I don't get to see my husband for nine months at a time. I'm proud of my husband, of what he does for our country and I'm proud of myself for having what it takes to endure all that comes along with being a military wife.

1 comment:

  1. I am learning more every day about just how strong of a woman it takes to stand by her military man. I think about you a lot and feel comforted by the fact that you have been through this too, but I'm also so amazed when I remember all of the little things that you used to do while he was away, like writing him every day and baking him cookies. It's hard to keep up! You are an amazing army wife! PS - I am loving your blog, and the title, from a Beatles song, VERY well done! :)
